
Testing & Maintenance

Abbey Group Services now completes periodic testing on over 1500 installations each year.

Our comprehensive and rigorous testing guarantees the integrity and reliability of Electrical, Fire Alarm, and Emergency Lighting systems, ensuring compliance, safety, and optimal performance. Testing, if done incorrectly, can be very inconvenient. We have both, the experience, and flexibility to thoroughly test your installations with little or no disruption. Working with you, at a time that suits you, we ensure you stay compliant.

Abbey Group Services specialises in helping businesses and individuals to maintain their electrical installations in optimum condition and in line with the requirements of all appropriate legislation and guidelines.

We now complete fixed wire testing on over 1k installations each year. Next year we expect to test our 10,000th installation. We have the experience to ensure you remain compliant. Due to the volume of testing that we complete using the very latest software and technology, we offer an exceptional service at a competitive and fair price.

Testing, if done incorrectly, can be inconvenient. We have both the experience and flexibility to thoroughly test your installation with little or no disruption. Working with you, at a time that suits you, we ensure you stay compliant.

Emergency lighting is a key area of compliance which is often overlooked. Please talk to us to ensure that you are compliant. Maintaining systems as part of an ongoing programme provides a cost effective solution and the peace of mind that your lighting will operate should there be an emergency.

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is an annual requirement for many employers and sites, this extends to residential landlords. We are responsive and competitive, utilising the latest testing equipment and software to provide a seamless solution.

Services Overview-

PAT Testing (Portable Appliance Testing): Regular testing is essential to guarantee the safety and functionality of your portable appliances.

EICR Testing (Electrical Installation Condition Report): An EICR test is crucial for assessing the overall condition of your electrical installations. Our detailed inspections identify any potential hazards or defects, providing a comprehensive report that helps you address issues proactively and maintain a safe working environment.

Emergency Lighting Testing: Emergency lighting is a critical component for ensuring the safety of occupants during power outages. We design, install, and maintain emergency lighting systems, conducting regular tests to ensure they function optimally when needed.

Fire Alarm Maintenance and Testing: A reliable fire alarm system is paramount for the safety of your premises. Our specialists conduct regular maintenance and testing, ensuring that your fire alarm system is in peak condition and ready to respond swiftly in case of an emergency.

Fault Finding: Our team excels in identifying and resolving electrical faults promptly. Through advanced fault-finding techniques, we diagnose issues quickly, minimizing any disruptions to our Client.

Preventative Maintenance: Preventative maintenance is key to extending the life of your installations and systems. We proactively identify potential problems, addressing them before they escalate, reducing downtime, and saving you from costly repairs.

At Abbey Group Services, your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities. Trust us to deliver thorough, professional, and proactive testing and maintenance solutions to keep your infrastructure operating at its best.